MONS KALLENTOFT is a journalist and author. His breakthrough novel, MIDWINTER SACRIFICE, first published in Sweden in 2007, is the inaugural book in the MALIN FORS series. Praised unanimously by Swedish critics, it quickly topped bestseller lists, selling over 300,000 copies in Sweden alone and being translated into thirty languages. Since his literary debut with PESETAS (2000), Mons has enjoyed continued success and is now one of Sweden's most beloved authors.

KAROLINA KALLENTOFT grew up in Linköping, with roots in the small villages of Småland and Skåne. She met Mons in the summer of 1989, and together they moved to Stockholm. After studying and working in various fields, they both became copywriters and nurtured dreams of writing books.

Karolina had always been a writer, but it wasn't until she began to explore her literary voice—drawing inspiration from childhood tales and Nordic folklore—that she truly found her path. When Mons suggested they co-write a book series based on these themes, it marked a new chapter in her writing career.

Despite their eventual separation, writing remained a powerful force in Karolina's life. While working on their joint project VARGEN VAKAR I MÖRKRET ("The Wolf Watches in the Dark"), she also taught Swedish at an international school in Mallorca and launched Podcast Mallorca, which she has hosted for the past two years. Today, Karolina has fulfilled her childhood dream of becoming a published author.

The Storytel audio original VARGEN VAKAR I MÖRKRET is the first fruit of a universe the couple had been developing for years. The novel masterfully blends ancient Swedish pagan mythology with the repressed desires of the Bible Belt, creating a breathlessly suspenseful crime story. Set during the iconic summer of 1994, in the midst of football fever, the story begins with the discovery of a murdered woman. Was she killed by a human, an animal, or something else? What lurks in the forest? What evil has been awakened?

The former couple, despite their painful divorce, decided to complete the project together. For them, the act of creation and storytelling held more value than individual feelings. They channeled their struggles and difficulties into the creative process, transforming them into gold. Every sentence of VARGEN VAKAR I MÖRKRET vibrates with authenticity and tension.

Photo: Märta Thisner






“He takes a step forwards. The jackdaws circle over him with their wings spread. One of them lands with splayed feet on the ground in front of him. Opens its yellow beak and lets out a screeching sound.
The beast in front of him.
He has reached it now. Can't breathe.
It is a woman.

It is the hot summer of 1994, there is football fever in the country and in the damp, deep green forests outside Nässjö the hunt for a murderer begins. At the same time, an animal abuser is ravaging the small community and is it a wolf that has been seen?

THE WOLF WATCHES IN THE DARK is an evocative story about a brutal murder, a small community in the deepest parts of Småland and the people there. How they try to believe in the power of God and in love, how they fight for a good life. But man is only a small creature and, surrounded by nature, he begins to find answers in its mystery and dark forces.

THE WOLF WATCHES IN THE DARK is Mons Kallentoft's and Karolina Kallentoft's first book together.