MERON MANGASHA is a Stockholm-based screenwriter, poet, and playwright. Meron holds a degree in screenwriting from Alma, one of Sweden’s top higher vocational education programs in scriptwriting.

From poetry and music to the stage and film, Meron is a multi-faceted creator with a creative style drawing inspiration from contemporary culture and historical references.

The reading that informs Meron’s thinking and creative process can best be described as a broad pallet of trivia, hyper-acute news, and deep scientific research. Voices that he gravitates towards are adamant in not conforming to the majority but rather trusting that they will resonate with the intended recipient.

In 2022, the play “Mellan två våningar” (Between Two Floors) a classroom performance on behalf of Regionteater Väst had its premier. A play which Meron created and wrote the script for. Another of his notable projects is "Blått Blod" (Blue Blood) a spoken word monologue that received tremendous reviews and was selected to be included as a video work at Liljevalchs’s prestigious spring salon.

Meron is currently developing his debut feature, a black comedy-drama about a returnee who doesn't quite feel at home anywhere. He is also co-writing a short film and working on a collection of poems.

Agent: Martina Österling

Selected works

TBA - feature (creator and screenwriter) - in development

TBA - Short (creator and screenwriter) - in development

Parkerad - Short (screenwriter)

Mellan två våningar - (screenwriter) Regionteater Väst - 2022

Blått Blod - Spoken word monologue - 2014

Ser Du Mig - (commercial work for Amnesty International) - 2018

För Evigt - Epilog (Spoken word monologue) for Ison & Fille’s album För Evigt – 2011


Parkerad - Short - Guldbaggenominerad 2024

Recipient of the Alma New Award – 2022

Mitt På Mörka Dan The Swedish Film Institute scriptwriting contest "Black is the new black" - Winner for Best Feature Film Script Entry - 2015

Blått Blod Selected to be included in the prestigious Spring Salon at Liljevalchs - 2014


“​​Meron's monologues are fantastic. With his focused voice and his rich flow of words, he captures a zeitgeist that describes relationships on a private as well as a universal level. He is poetic, political and thought-provoking. When you listen, you are transported directly to the places and environments that he depicts.” -