Published Weyler FÖRLAG, 2021
Genre LITERARY Fiction
Pages 424
Rights sold
“Regnet is an extraordinarily beautiful novel […] Romantic, nostalgic, cinematic, Grigoriev’s prose is outstandingly beautiful in its shifting rain-scenes.” – Aftonbladet
"Maxim Grigoriev’s The Rain is a delightfully hypnotic novel […] It’s skilfully done, an engaging, provocative and serious game with our desire to interpret and fill in the gaps.” – Dagens Nyheter
"The Rain contains, like Europe, exquisitely nuanced and fascinating descriptions and meditations on decay, the unfathomable, the ineffable, and the incomplete.” – Svenska Dagbladet
A hypnotic hymn to our desire to act on the world, change it for the better, and the infuriating impossibility in the modern world of pinpointing where the problem lies and who bears the blame.
Everything should be perfect. Det Swedish social structure is set in stone, the stockpiles are well stocked and in springtime one can hear the finches sing in the leafy trees. Still, Gunnar Björk has an aching worry. When the winds are turning, and that can happen at any moment, everything will be up to him.
Meanwhile, the security police Monika Nilsson finds a trace pointing towards a domestic far right group, possibly with connections to the closest circles of the state apparatus.
STAY BEHIND is a novel about secret networks and underground cells right in the welfare society. It’s about power and resistance, about fear for a Soviet occupation and about the shadow side of the Swedish seventies.
THE RAIN is a masterfully executed stylistic experiment in which Grigoriev’s nameless narrator never speaks. In the spaces between the related speech of others, a diffuse identity begins to emerge, the identity of a narrator we’ve come to associate with Grigoriev’s fiction. A homeless wanderer with Russian roots, a European consciousness, a sharp and lucid gaze and a queasy feeling in his stomach as he tries to take in the world and describe it in language as beautiful, melancholy and vivid as the rain.