JONATHAN LUNDBERG was born in 1995 in Asarum and is a freelance journalist and author. He made his debut in 2019 with the report book SVERIGEVÄNNER, where he investigated how the right-wing political party the Sweden Democrats built their online movement – and why it became so successful.

In 2021, he released his second book, FRÅN VÄRLDSKRIG TILL NÄTKRIG, which is about the history of internet culture and how today's debate regarding social media is similar to the debate that raged a hundred years ago regarding mass media.

Furthermore, Jonathan likes to give lectures on topics connected to both of his books. He continues to train journalists in digital research through the Media Institute Fojo and is a board member of the Writers' Association's non-fiction section Minerva.

Jonathan is currently working a new non-fiction title.

Photo Credit: Viva Media

Agent Erik Larsson & Maja Hjelm